Airport Operations


Airports all over the world use Multihog vehicles for a variety of maintenance tasks, both airside and landside. The Multihog’s compact build and manoeuvrability make it a great solution for working in and around parked aircraft, and it has the added ability of being able work underneath the wings.

For colder climates, airports often opt for the 3-in-1 winter machine, which is made up of the Multihog vehicle, a de-icing sprayer on the rear, and a combi snow plow and broom attachment on the front. This means that the machine can clear away fallen snow using the plow, return the surface to a clean finish using the broom, and finally spray de-icing fluid on the area to combat colder temperatures.


With an upturn in passenger numbers worldwide, airports are facing great logistical challenges than ever before.

Two major challenges Multihog can help to combat are winter maintenance on the apron and runway light cleaning. For climates where snow is not guaranteed, it can be expensive to maintain winter equipment that sits in a hangar most of the year. With the Multihog, you can use it for winter maintenance from October to May, then switch to other uses such as mowing, sweeping and pressure washing for the summer months.

Another challenge is keeping runway lights clean of grit and debris, to ensure that aircraft can keep moving in low visibility weather conditions. Our runway light cleaner is designed to be a ‘one operator, one machine’ solution for this very manual task, and with powerful lighting, the machine is well-equipped for night-time operation.

Why Multihog?

Gatwick, Heathrow, JFK, Montreal, Toronto, Cologne, Vienna and London City are just a few of our high profile airport customers worldwide.

Multihog solves some major challenges for them – one of which is, how to justify high capital expenditure on equipment that may only be used a few times per year, when snow events occur.

Aside from being compact, manoeuvrable and built robustly enough to take on tough winters, it’s also simple to operate – which is a huge advantage for airports who contract hire seasonal winter staff.

The Multihog can also work all year round. Its winter attachments are usually fitted in October, and removed at the end of March. Then, it can be fitted with a range of attachments front and rear to maximise usage for warmer seasons. Many airports operate their Multihogs with attachments including sweepers, mowers, pressure washers, runway light cleaners, litter vacuums and chemical-free weed control systems.

Popular attachments for use in airports

Case Studies

The Multihog Vehicle Range

  • CV Sweeper

    The CV multipurpose sweeper is a powerful sidewalk and bike lane sweeper which can be used year-round for various tasks including snow removal and grass mowing.
  • Compact Range

    Our compact range is perfect for those who need a maintenance vehicle to work in tight urban spaces, or on the sidewalk. Multihog's compact range has a reputation for power, comfort and maneuverability.
  • MX Turbo Range

    The MX range is our powerful workhorse series, with different cab sizes to best suit what you need. With 130hp and incredible torque, it's best suited for tough tasks like heavy-duty snow removal and asphalt planing.
  • MH Original

    The MH model is our original (and largest) machine. Its 75 hp engine makes it a top choice for snow removal, sanitation and asphalt repair in unrestricted areas.
